The Latin word in vertigo means a serpentine or spinning movement, and the term as if the whole world is spinning, even though patients remain completely stalled makes the assumption that the medical sag to describe the vestibular system Used by the community. This sensation creates an equilibrium problem in horse or rotation patients. Some people who do not understand this medical condition describe their balance as a feeling of lightheaded, dizzy problem or dizziness that causes an unstable sensation. Vertigo or feeling of imbalance and imbalance is due to problems in the inner ear. Depending on the type and severity of vertigo, patients suffer from many problems such as nausea, vomiting, balance disorders, horizontal optokinetic categorical and other subjective complications. Motion sickness is the most common problem that is caused by vertigo, because patients feel the feeling of always moving or spinning motion. Motion sickness is a very common problem, and many people experience ...