**Life process is mainly takes place in the living organisms..**

If we really want to know about life process. Than we should start from our alimentary canal .

Alimentary Canal -
                                   It starts from our mouth  when we take food than it move into our mouth .
Which is chewed by our teeth present in our mouth. Than salivary gland use to secrete saliva which is important to change the sugar into maltose.

Than our mixed,chewed food will move through the oesophagus.

Our stomach an important role in digesting the food which is moved through food pipe/oesophagus

In stomach mainly three substance are secrete .
HCL - mainly helps to make our food acidic.
And also help in mixing of food properly.

Mucus - Help by preventing our inner lining of stomach from HCL.
Because HCL is a very highly corrosive acid which can burn our skin if come contact to it

Pepsin - The main  work of our pepsin present in our stomach is to change the protein into peptons.

Then in stomach only , our liver secrete bile juice ( greenish yellow ) in colour . And pancreas present in our body below the stomach secretes pancreatic juice which contains three substance
1 - Lipase
2-  Amylase
  3-Trypsin .
Lipase mainly break the fat into fatty acid .
Trypsin changes the peptons and protein into peptide.
Amylase change the suracose into maltose.

Than next our half  digested food will move to small intestine .
Our small intestine produce four substance .
1 -  Maltose
3 -Suracose
4 -Lactose
Maltose changes maltose into glucose.
Erepsin change the peptide into amino acid.
Suracose change the suracose into glycerol and glucose
Lactose change the lactose into galactose.

From here our complete food digested .
And now our villi (finger like structure present in small intestine ) will our this - amino acid, glucose..

So this was whole about only alimentary canal/digestive system.


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