Health care tips Introduction food


y for our bod It is more

 necessary for the existence of life than it is necessary to maintain.  It generates energy and heat in the body.  Modern medical science has long been engaged in discoveries related to food.  Every country of the world and its different castes and sub-castes also have different types of food.  If seen from a practical point of view, only two types of food are common in the whole world, vegetarian and non-vegetarian.  However, the number of non-vegetarians is the highest in the whole world. 

 Medical scientists $

of America and many other powerful countries have accepted the food theory of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine with a unanimous opinion that non-vegetarian food is not the natural food of man.  Vegetarians live longer and healthier lives than non-vegetarians.

 The following main elements are present in the food which is prevalent at present-







एक टिप्पणी भेजें

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Almond propertie and Ayurvedic Tretment

Health care tips

Health care tips

